Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

The "Unaffordable" Care Act, AKA Obamacare is a national disaster; our current representative blames us for "failing to engage with our health care plans"! But, one in three Americans are losing their health care plans and are being forced to replace their employer plans with lower tiers. Obama promised, "You get to keep your doctor!" BUT, your price may be triple. Many of us are now working two part time jobs, putting in 60 hours a week, because employers evade the ACA tax penalty by cutting hours and benefits! Your current Rep stated in an address to Congress; "We brought you the Affordable Health Care Act; we never said we had to make the insurance companies offer you a specific plan! If you don't get the plan you want, it's your fault for not choosing the right one!"

The incumbent blames his own constituents for the failures of 'un'affordable health care!
This healthcare Act is a fraud; Mark will vote to revoke it and build one that works for us!
